Eric Danison advice on what to do with your dog while on holiday

Hi Eric Danison here with another post all about mans best friend!

Eric Danison gives his advice on what to do about your pet while on holiday!

So today on my blog Eric Danison advice on what to do with your dog while on holiday I’ll be discussing the best and worse things to do with your furry pal while you jet off to catch some sun! I’m using this post as a sequel to Eric Danison advice on keeping your dog entertained when home alone. If you have a holiday planned for the Christmas break or near future read on, you may find some useful tips for your furry friend!

Of course keeping a dog entertained for a day is different to leaving it for a weekend, week, fortnight or more. Firstly you have to understand your pet and what it does/doesn’t like, this situation is never going to be ideal because dogs do not like being left alone for very long. However there are things you can do.

So here’e Eric Danison’s top tips on what to do and what not to do with your dog while on a breakaway.

Eric Danison’s things to do

Okay so the obvious choice is to put your dog in a kennel, if you have a dog that doesn’t mind a change of scenery and a kennel with people you trust then this solves the problem.

However my first port of call with this situation is to find close friends or family that can help. As discussed in my last Eric Danison dogs article for this option to work your dog must be familiar with this person/people.

Okay so this one isn’t an option people think of right away… Why not take your dog with you? It’s not uncommon for owners to miss their pets and vice versa while your away so if you can you should consider this option. Generally speaking dogs don’t like flying but if you’re travelling abroad by boat then I’d highly recommend taking your dog with you! Just be warned… Travelling with your dog takes a lot of planning ahead!

Eric Danison with his dogs

Eric Danison with his dogs

Eric Danison’s things not to do

Now putting your dog in a kennel is a nice idea in principle but there are so many stories of problems in kennels that the thought of giving your dog to a bunch of strangers may put you off. And some dogs really cannot cope with being in these places no matter how nice they are, sometimes your dogs just can’t handle it.

DO NOT leave it at home with nothing more than a daily feeding no matter how independent they are. Dogs need company as much as they need a walk or as much as Eric Danison Senior needs a roast at the end of the week! Leaving them without anything in place may really harm them and the environment they’re in (think chewed up couch).

If you don’t have a close friend or family member to help you out don’t leave your dog with just anyone. Your dog need to be as familiar as you are with someone before leaving them alone.

Eric Danison’s list of things not to do could go on and on. The key is to be careful and think about your pet and how things will affect them.

Eric Danison’s summary

Just be considerate of your pet’s needs, don’t leave them unattended and make sure they can have company. If you can take them with you on your holiday do it!

I hope this helps anyone who has this problem. If you have anything not mentioned above that you do with your pet them let me know!

Eric Danison top 5 ways to keep your dog busy when you’re not home

Hi there Eric Danison Here with another post about mans best friend!

Eric Danison’s advice on keeping your dog busy when you’re out of the house

Today’s post is all about when you’re not around to take care of your furry little buddy, how’s he going to entertain himself? How do you stop them being lonely? Hopefully ‘Eric Danison’s top 5 ways to keep your dog busy when you’re not home’ will solve your doggy related problems.

Number 5: Doggy snacks

We all like to boredom eat, Eric Danison Included, and the same goes for our pets! There are some great ways to keep your dogs munching on the right things when you’re not there. Filling a hollowed-out ball and filling it with peanut butter is a classic but if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere warn then freezing some fruity treats is also a great way to go!

Number 4: Keep your dog watching

What I mean by keep it watching is give it something to be distracted by. For example simply giving your dog a window to look out of may be enough to keep your dog busy, they enjoy people watching nearly as much as Eric Danison senior. Alternatively putting on some doggy TV (I’m not joking) can be a great way to keep your dogs mind distracted from chewing the house to shreds!

Eric Danison

Eric Danison dogs

Number 3: Give your dog a puzzle or a good chew toy

Now about chewing the house to shreds… I’ve cheated a little with this Eric Danison top 5, number 5 could also come under this category but there are different. A chew toy or puzzle isn’t meant to be eaten, although Eric Danison knows all to well that dogs don’t feel the same way. They can’t resist chewing something apart and the right chew toy can be great for their health as well as keeping them busy.

Number 2: Get someone to take your dog for a walk

This one is obviously very particular and will certainly not work for every dog or indeed every owner. But having someone you trust to take your dog for a walk in the middle of the day helps break up the loneliness that our dogs feel. It doesn’t need to be a professional dog walker, just a friend or family member with some time on their hands while you’re away. Make sure the person you choose and your pet are familiar and comfortable with each other first, the results can be sensational!

And Eric Danison’s Number 1 is…

Get another Pet!

Okay so for a lot of people getting another dog can be a big ask but getting another, lower maintenance, pet can also work. Just something else in the house will focus your dogs attention and keep it from getting bored. Of course the best pet would be another dog that gels well with the one you have, they will have a playmate and you will have a happier pet!

Eric Danison’s top tip: Give your dog some good quality exercise before you leave for work, go for a run etc. As explained in ways to get fit with your furry pal by Eric Danison, dogs love to run! It’s also a great way for you to get some exercise in and feel amazing going to work.

As a keen dog lover who often has to be away from the house I have tried and tested everything on this list, some things work for some dogs and others don’t. You have to be experimental and find out what works for you and your pet.

I hope you enjoyed my short list of Eric Danison’s top 5 ways to keep your dog busy when you’re not home. If you have found anything that keeps your dogs busy while you’re at work then let me know!

Eric Danisons top dogs – Winter

Eric Danisons top 5 winter dogs!

Hi Eric Danison here back talking about my favourite subject of all… Dogs! Today’s post is all about my favourite dog breeds that are really built to survive those cold winter nights that aren’t too far away. So here’s Eric Danison’s top 5 winter dog breeds!

Number 5 – Newfoundland

Kicking off Eric Danison’s winter dog list is the Newfoundland breed. This gentle giant kicks off my list as it really can tough it out in the cold. Not satisfied with simply toughing it out, this breed is used as a rescue dog in the icy waters of Canada, meaning it jumps into the freezing cold waters on a regular basis!

Number 4 – St Bernard

The second entry on Eric Danison’s top 5 winter dogs is another gentle giant, the St Bernard. I always wanted a St Bernard but apparently they were too big a breed for the Danison household… Not only are these dogs humongous in size but they also have great resistance to freezing temperatures, they used to be used to help search for lost travellers in the snow!

Number 3 – Samoyed

The smallest dog on this list is the playful Samoyed. They may not be able to go toe to toe with nature like the Newfoundland or the St Bernard but they can stick it out in the cold as well as any of the bigger dogs. Originally from Siberia these dogs are at home in the cold conditions, bringing home 3rd place of Eric Danison’s winter dog breeds.

Number 2 – Alaskan Malamute

Eric Danison

Eric Danison new project

The Alaskan Malamute is often mistaken for a husky (fabulous dogs in their own right) but Malamutes offer more than husky’s do. They’re larger, generally have a better nature an they have one of the best winter coats going, even short haired Malamutes are incredibly resistant to the cold. This dog comes in at number 2 of Eric Danison’s top winter dogs, not least because it very closely resembles the original  wolf!

And Eric Danison’s number 1…

The Tibetan Mastiff!

Labelled as the worlds most expensive dog the Tibetan Mastiff certainly gives you value for money. A large breed with an equally large coat, they can survive in the mountains of Tibet so don’t be fooled into thinking they’re a prissy dog. They thrive in the harshest of conditions, which is what brings the Tibetan Mastiff to number 1 on Eric Danison’s list of top winter dogs.

Thanks for reading Eric Danison’s top dogs for winter. And remember it’s just an opinion…Everyone has their favourite dogs and I’d love to hear about them! Dogs should be enjoyed all year round as the fantastic animals that they are!

Eric Danison start your own dog business

Eric Danison advice on starting a new dog bbusiness

If you love dogs like me and and have been thinking about starting your own business in the dog industry, this is a perfect time to do so.. A 2015 study by Dogs Facts, which monitors the dog market and surveys owners of dogs across the country to gather information about dog owners, estimates that pet spending will rise to $12.5 billion per year by 2020 in Australia alone, says Eric Danison.

The study also showed that even during times of economic decline, pet owners are unwilling to compromise when it comes to the well-being of their dogs. A London University study even found 7 in 10 Australian pet owners considered their dog a family member, making dog business even more attractive.

Eric Danison start your own dog business

If you’ve been thinking of starting a your own  business in the dog industry, keep an eye on this blog because Eric Danison will be giving out some helpful pointers and tips to to help you get started on the right foot.


Ways to get fit with your furry pal by Eric Danison

Eric Danison’s ways to train

We live in a world where people want to exercise and get fit, but gym memberships can be expensive. Eric Danison trains regularly with his dogs and as a personal trainer, help him to stay fit and motivate him to keep exercising. Read Eric Danison’s top fit tips below.

1. Running

Everyone knows dogs love to run. Also dogs are creatures of habit, so once your pup is in the routine of going for an early run, you won’t be able to sleep in anymore! “They’ll wait by your trainers, tongue out, tail wagging, and ready to go! Her excitement can be enough to affect your attitude and make you excited for those early runs too” says Eric Danison about his dog Terrie.

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Some of Eric Danison’s furry pals enjoying a run in the park

2. Cycling

If running isn’t for you, or your dog is significantly faster than you are then cycling might be a good option! This is a way of letting your dog keep up with you as you pedal, which not only means a great workout for you but a way for your dog to burn off a lot of energy as well. Eric Danison says “the biggest problem nowadays with dogs is that they’re not getting enough exercise, especially when people work long hours which can lead to behavioral issues.” Cycling can be a good way to burn off energy especially if your dog is anxious or aggressive and will help them to relax.


Eric Danison with his dog Terrie

3. Yoga

Yes, dog yoga is a thing… Also known as doga and yes it is great and it turns out dogs are a natural at yoga, even if you aren’t at first! Doga can be a good bonding exercise for you both as well as some hardcore exercise for you as doga is all about trust and the pet-human bond. You’ll help her try new poses and she’ll act as a prop and helper for your poses too.


Eric Danison’s dog Jenny ready for a doga class

4. Rugby

So this one might not be for everyone, but it works with me and my dogs, says Eric Danison. Eric plays for his local team and can always be found in the park practicing drills with his dogs. Rugby involves a chase and a ball… two things that dogs love so naturally they’d want to get involved!

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Eric Danison’s team the Saints at practice